Tuesday 29 April 2014

I am Ch'ng Yik Zhou

I came from a state that full of cultures, customs, and varieties of foods: PENANG, a state of Malaysia, located in Peninsular Malaysia.

Kek Lok Si Temple, Air Hitam, Pulau Pinang. 

I am studying at Nothern University Malaysia (UUM) located in Sintok, Kedah. Before entering the University, I heard a lot from my friends or relatives, they indicated that UUM is like a ‘jungle’ and just like a ‘Kampung’. However, but, I have to go further my study. Once I entered the campus, I felt the environment is comfortable. It just like they said a place full of trees, but it is clean and complete with many facilities.

There are many trees in UUM. Photo taken nearby the sport center. 

During my secondary school, I have less exercise and not active on sport exercise. This is change in UUM, I try to develop a sport that I really love to, eventually I decide to learn swimming. In order to save cost, I am not going for swimming class, I learn from my friends. I learned step by step. It is pretty hard to correlate all the actions. Undeniable I drank a lot of pool water, eventually I know to swim with breaststroke. 

My friends and I in the swimming pool (I am no. 4 from the left).

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