Tuesday 29 April 2014

How IT and IS has impacted you and the world today?

Information technology and information system are something that I familiar. But actually I do not well understanding before attending the class of Information System in Organisation (one of my subject in this semester).

After go through the first lesson, I knew that the information system and information technologies have been made big influential towards our life if compared with last century. As you can observe, many people are using smartphone, instead of keypad-phone. Since the phone is multifunction, it consists many functions like camera, message, game, education, reminder, recorder, etc. It just cannot get away from people’s life. I recognise its contribution as I usually contact with my family and friends by using LINE and WeChat. It is good for us to know each other. I can send the photos and stickers when chatting and joking with family and friends. 

I do not know how an organisation works? I do not know the complexity of the process of production, and also the functions of different departments. But from the book, I knew that information system and information technologies are essentially important for an organisation to make successful business.

From my observation, information system and information technologies can make convenient to consumer who wants to order a meal in a restaurant. For an example, I went to Sakae Sushi with my friends, it is a Japanese restaurant. When I sat down, I saw a screen beside me. At first, I wonder is that to entertain customers, but my friends said I am a ‘Kampong boy’. The screen enable customer to take its order by selecting the food and beverage. I think it is good, especially it will increase the accuracy of the foods order. Because once you selecting your meal it will direct connect to kitchen. If the waiters take order, they might make mistake the order.

Last few years, a brand new technology was surprising me. When I was driving to a shopping complex, there is a number show in each floor to indicate the remaining of parking lots. I think it is truly convenient for the drivers who seeking for a parking lot.

Information technology and information system have make big influential to human's life. It brings a lot of conveniences and making efficiency to improve the quality of human's life.   

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